

IMPA 450401-30 (产品直接收录IMPA 航运业早已认可)



FERRYL® 1955成立,经过半个世纪的发展,如今的FERRYL在德国南部Baden-Württemberg建有独立的研发中心和生产基地。

FERRYL® 高品质的产品,广泛应用于世界各地,特别是对海上设施及船舶,在各种苛刻的海洋环境下发挥着卓越功效;受到航运业越来越多的认可与使用。

FERRYL® 主要与代理商在鹿特丹,迪拜,孟买,上海,广州,新加坡,横滨以及休斯顿等网络港口提供服务。

1 450401 Ferryl 101 anticorrosives oil 25L/桶 FERRYL 101 防锈油 Rust-protection and lubrication ofwire ropes.For use in all climates,esp.cold climates.Can be mixed with Ferryl 101 Standard Anticorrosive Grease.
2 450402 Ferryl 103 anticorrosives drying oil 25L/桶 FERRYL 103 防锈油,半干膜 Drying oil.Forns water resistance film for short or long term rust protection of metal (spare parts, matchine parts,chains,propeller shaft)
3 450403 Ferryl 202 Standard Anticorrosive Grease 25KG/桶,12KG/桶 FERRYL 202 标准防腐油脂 Rust-production and lubrication of wire ropes.Properties;Penetration into wire ,high melting point( 78 ℃),rust inhibition, adhesive/binds to wire , semi-drying film,lubrication.for use in all climates
4 450406 Ferryl 202 Aluminium Anticorrosive,Grease 30KG/桶 FERRYL 202 铝制防腐油脂 Rust-protection and lubrication of special areas (tank cover screws,engine room,hatch cover and crane rails).Aluminnium-coloured, noncracking grease paint
5 450405 Ferryl 202 White Anticorrosive,Grease 30KG/桶 FERRYL 202 白色防腐油脂 Rust-protection and lubrication of wire ropes.White in colour .penetration into wire,high melting point ( 100 ℃),,rust inhibition adhesive film , lubrication . For use in all climate
6 450411 Ferryl Anticorrosive White Plastic 12KG/桶 FERRYL 400R白色防腐塑料化合物 Applied like paint . Forms flexible ,non-cracking plastic like coating . Adheres to almost any surface.used on not rotating wire ,standing rigging,rubber insulated electrical cables and hoses
7 450412 Ferryl 401 anticorrosives transparent Planstic 1KG/桶 FERRYL 401透明防腐塑料化合物 Applied like paint . Forms flexible ,non-cracking plastic like coating . Adheres to almost any surface.For preservation of metals' original sheen(steel,brass, bronze,copper)also used as a wood varnish.
8 450413 Ferryl 404 Cleaning & Dulution Liquid 10L/桶 FERRYL 404 稀释和清洁液 Solvent for cleaning and dilution of the Ferryl Plastics.Used as a general thinner for most pains.
9 450417 FERRYL 502 Anticorrosive Security Plastic Compound, Orange 1KG/桶 FERRYL 502 橙色防腐安全塑料化合物 A plastic-like, non-cracking coating with excellent visibility, >used to improve safety in the marine environment by illuminating hazards or warnings.
10 450430 Ferryl Airrefreshment Bad Odour Neutralister 500ML/只 FERRYL空气清新剂 Chemically active when sprayed into various areas (cabins ,bathroom,cargo holds,freezers)to removebacteria and odour particles, hence removeing bad smells.
11   Ferryl Airrefreshment Bad Odour Neutralister 25L/can FERRYL空气清新剂 Chemically active when sprayed into various areas (cabins ,bathroom,cargo holds,freezers)to removebacteria and odour particles, hence removeing bad smells.
12 450419 Ferryl Armacit Fluid Packing 150G/只 FERRYL Armacit 胶体密封 Paste like packing that dries hard for permanent sealing of pipes and flanges,most gasses.Temperature and pressure resistant
13   Ferryl Cabin clean 1L/桶 FERRY 船舱万能清洁剂 cleaning liqued concenttratrfor gengral cleaning (cabins , mess room,sanitary installations)
14 450429 Ferryl Cabin clean 25L/桶 FERRY 船舱万能清洁剂 cleaning liqued concenttratrfor gengral cleaning (cabins , mess room,sanitary installations)
15 450424 Ferryl Cleaning Fluid Oil &Gfrease Remover 25KG/桶 OSD FERRY 消油剂 去油清洁剂 water souble emulsifying solvent basedswgreaserr,.removers light and heavery .removers light and heavy deposits of oil and grease in most areas( decks,engine ,parts,oil preheaters,tools)
16 450427 Ferryl Electroclean Cleaning liquid 25kgs/can FERRY 电器清洁剂 safe cleaning liquidfor electrial equipment and matchine parts.
17   Ferryl Electroclean 450ML/只喷剂 FERRY 电器清洁剂 safe cleaning liquidfor electrial equipment and matchine parts.
18 450423 Ferrycid Rustremover 25L/桶 FERRYCID 除锈剂 For removeral of lighe and heavy rust on steel . Cleaning of decks and rust stain removal on painted surfaces. Removes limescal and cement .Cleaning ofwooden decks.
19   Ferrycid Rustremover 1L/只 FERRYCID 除锈剂 For removeral of lighe and heavy rust on steel . Cleaning of decks and rust stain removal on painted surfaces. Removes limescal and cement .Cleaning ofwooden decks.
20 450422 FERRYL Rustoil Rust Releasing Oil, Water and Moisture Remover, Penetrating Lubricant 10L/桶
FERRYL 除锈油 渗透润滑剂
Releases rust and hardened grease/oil from bolts,flanges , machine parts . Penetrates into core of slightly damaged wires to remove rust and moisture before coating with grease
21   FERRYL Rustoil Rust Releasing Oil, Water and Moisture Remover, Penetrating Lubricant 450ML/只喷剂
FERRYL 除锈油 渗透润滑剂
Releases rust and hardened grease/oil from bolts,flanges , machine parts . Penetrates into core of slightly damaged wires to remove rust and moisture before coating with grease
22   FERRYL Rustoil Rust Releasing Oil, Water and Moisture Remover, Penetrating Lubricant 250ML/只喷剂
FERRYL 除锈油 渗透润滑剂
Releases rust and hardened grease/oil from bolts,flanges , machine parts . Penetrates into core of slightly damaged wires to remove rust and moisture before coating with grease
23 450426 FERRYL Fermaid General Cleaning Agent 25L/桶 FERRYL Fermaid 强碱型浓缩清洁剂 Alkaline cleaning liqued concentrate for gengeral cleaning and light degreasing of various areas(deck,cargo hold, galley,cabins,heat exchanger)
24   FERRYL Fermaid General Cleaning Agent 1L/只 FERRYL Fermaid强碱型浓缩清洁剂  
25   杀菌消毒清洁剂 25L/桶 Sodium Hypochlorite Solution(Natrium Hypo Chlorite10-15%)


①渗透性强 当防锈产品涂到船上特殊部位时,它可以很好地渗透到物体里层,从里到外保护该部位不会受到腐蚀。
②熔点高 可以承受 110的高温,即使经过赤道附近,这些防锈油也不会溶化 ,依然可以很好地粘附在船体表面。
③防锈 对船体特殊部位,像钢丝绳,阀门,螺丝,螺母,吊机等都可以起到很好的防锈作用。
④橡胶粘合剂 附在船上特殊部位,受海, 水冲击不会滑掉。
⑤半薄膜状态 表面薄薄的一层干了,里面一层依然保持柔软状态,当表皮干裂时,里面一层不受影响。
⑥润滑性能好 当滑轮转动时,该产品对钢丝绳可以起到很好的润滑作用。

